Rachel,Craig & family. 28th April 2020

Morning uncle Roger, 16/04/2020. I just want you to know that I will be thinking of you today as you say good bye to your soul mate , wife , the mother of your children . You are an inspiration to me you have given her your undivided love and devotion in sickness and in health to Auntie Janette I’m so proud of you as I know your big sister would also be . I’m so sorry I can’t be with you all today to hold your hand and to say goodbye however I will light a candle and say a prayer and later on I will raise a little glass of something to celebrate the amazing life of auntie Janette . She really was an incredible lady she and yourself was a massive part of my childhood filled with fun and laughter. Now it’s time to say goodbye for now as she spreads her angel wings to fly high with all our loved ones . I will always be here for you. Sending you all our love always Rachel Craig & family xxxxxx 💙❤💗xxxxxx